old onto your WiFi routers, folks, because Gen Z is flipping the script and taking over! From LA to New York, streets are swarming with youngsters draped in Palestinian flags and rocking the chic keffiyeh look. Shattered stereotypes everywhere are seeking therapy!

Becky Thompson, LA's influencer-extraordinaire, spilled the beans: "To support Palestine, you don't need to hail from a specific region, just a solid TikTok game and WiFi stronger than your grandma's coffee!"

Remember those good ol' days when grandpa would grumble about news headlines like, "Israel's Got Green Thumbs; Arabs? Just Thumbs Down!"? Well, Gen Z doesn’t. They’re too busy scrolling through firsthand accounts and tossing biased old-school narratives into the digital trash.

Thanks to Biden's, "You don’t need to be Jewish to be a Zionist", the world shot back, "You don’t need to be a tree to spot a forest fire!" Makes you wonder if the world’s also saying, “You don’t need to be a president to make quirky statements.”

And here’s the plot twist straight out of a daytime soap opera: loads of these Gen Z protestors? Jewish! Sarah Goldstein from the Big Apple had her epiphany watching a TikTok (because where else?). "A Palestinian grandma was whipping up hummus and I was like, 'That’s just like my bubbe! Minus the chickpeas.'"

Now, Sarah's jamming with pals on TikTok, merging killer dance moves with history lessons. Move over, Macarena! Here comes the “Colonizer Cha-Cha!”

Oxford’s very own Professor James Harrison is bamboozled: "In my time, questioning a textbook meant detention. Today? You snag a tweet from Noam Chomsky!"

But here's the scoop: the World Wide Web, sprinkled with Gen Z's zest for justice, is ushering in a global hug fest. Signs at protests are reading, "Propaganda’s So Yesterday, Solidarity’s Here to Slay!"

The future's uncertain, but one thing's clear: with each dance step and tweet, change is grooving its way in. And in the wise words of Gen Z, "If you can't beat the algorithm, join it!"


Nov 2, 2023
World Affairs

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