ARISH, Israel (AP) — Broadcasting from somewhere in the heart of the Middle East, there's a family feud brewing, and it's not over who gets Grandma's hummus recipe. In the vibrant, complex tapestry that is Israel, the threads of secular and ultra-Orthodox Jewish communities are pulling in different directions, creating not just a divide but a veritable fashion emergency for the national garb.

Now, let's set the stage, my friends: on one side, you have the secular folks, whose holy trinity is coffee, democracy, and a good Wi-Fi signal. They're the ones turning Tel Aviv into the Middle Eastern equivalent of Silicon Valley meets Miami Beach. Their Sabbath checklist includes brunch, the beach, and perhaps a silent prayer that their start-up valuation goes up.

On the other side, you have the Haredim, whose idea of a "start-up" is likely a new yeshiva. For them, the Sabbath is about unplugging in the most literal sense: no electricity, no cars, just family, prayer, and perhaps a spirited debate over a passage in the Talmud. Their ideal world looks a lot like a scene from "Fiddler on the Roof," but with better cell phones.

Now, mix these two scenes in the melting pot of Israeli society, and what do you get? Not hummus, my friends, but sometimes a not-so-tasty dish of civil strife stew.

The secular Israelis are fretting, and not without reason. With every election, it seems the ultra-Orthodox parties are flexing their political muscles with the enthusiasm of a bodybuilder on Instagram. And their growing demographic presence? It’s like compound interest in a bank—they're accruing power at a rate that would make any investor green with envy.

Meanwhile, the secular crowd is wondering if they'll have to trade their cappuccinos for kosher wine. "We’re all for tradition," they say, "but can we maybe keep the Eurovision parties and the science fairs?"

And so, this age-old tug-of-war continues, with the ultra-Orthodox pulling for a state that mirrors their ancient texts, and the seculars hoping to pen a few new chapters. This isn't just a battle for the soul of a nation; it's a contest for the remote control of culture, and both sides are pressing the buttons hard.

So, as the sun sets on another day in Israel, the question lingers like the last guest at a wedding: Can these diverse cousins find a middle ground, or is the family destined for a perpetual game of tug-of-war? In a place where history is as deep as the Dead Sea, the future is anyone's guess. But one thing's for sure—it's going to be one heck of a show. Stay tuned, and pass the popcorn, please.

Nov 3, 2023
World Affairs

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