World Affairs


World Affairs

The Secular Cool and the Orthodox Rule in Israel's Tug-of-War for Tomorrow

In the heart of Israel, a dynamic tension simmers between secular freedoms and ultra-Orthodox traditions as a rapidly changing demographic landscape raises questions about the nation's cultural and political horizon. This is not just a family disagreement over dinner; it's a profound national discourse on the future identity of a country at a crossroads.
World Affairs

Eviction Extravaganza: Pakistan's Misstep in the Mass Migrant March-Out

Pakistan's decision to expel over a million undocumented Afghan migrants is creating a humanitarian crisis, with the move likely to backfire by disrupting its own economic and social fabric while exacerbating the strain on Afghanistan's limited resources.
World Affairs

When Class is Out: The Walkout on Hillary's Watch

In a Twist of Academic Irony, Students at Columbia Give Hillary Clinton an Unplanned Lesson in Freedom of Speech
World Affairs

Mainstream Media's Glaring Gaza Gaffes: It's Not About Gaza, It's About Us

Western media's coverage of the Gaza conflict showcases deep-rooted societal biases, revealing more about Western cultural prejudices than the events in the Middle East.
World Affairs

Gen Z's Latest Trend: Rejecting Propaganda, Embracing Global Solidarity! #FreePalestine

Spotted the coolest dance trend on the streets: Gen Z holding Palestinian flags and doing the 'solidarity shuffle.' I mean, who needs a history book when you can learn about global issues through TikTok, right?
World Affairs

For once Morgan listened through his guest: Jordan Peterson

"I expected Piers to be Piers," turned out to be less "Piers vs. Peterson" and more "Piers AND Peterson."
World Affairs

Gal Gadot Wonders Where the Love Is for Israeli Hostages... And Apparently, Forget About the Rest

In a Hollywood twist, Gal Gadot spotlights Israeli hostages, while Gaza's tragic backdrop of 8,500 lost souls awaits its cue.
World Affairs

UN Human Rights Official Resigns, Labels Gaza Situation a 'Textbook Case of Genocide'

Dramatic UN Resignation: Mokhiber condemns "textbook genocide" in Gaza, accusing Western governments of complicity.

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